Antique and Vintage Shop in Central Virginia

Welcome to BestOfTimesStore in New Canton Virginia. We are always adding new stock to our antiques store. We carry most anything you can think of as far as antiques. We also maintain a booth in the Gordonsville Antique Mall. If there are items you want and do not see them, let us know since we have have plenty in storage and are always buying more!

Have you been disheartened that you stop in an antique shop to find the prices are astronomical? Many antiques shops have high overhead and also feel way to conceited in their prowess on buying antiques. Antiques don’t have to be expensive. At BestOfTimesStore we strive to buy the best we can at the best price we can and we pass them on to new owners. We feel we are caretakers helping relics of the past find new homes before someone destroys them. We have antique and vintage items from almost every timeframe. We have furniture, glassware, stoneware, tools, artwork, architectural salvage, seasonal items, toys, whatever you can think of, we have it. Our shop is self curated and we have tons more in storage. We are constantly buying from auctions, estates, private collectors and wherever we can find it. If you do not see what you are looking for, ask as we may already have it!
We specialize in stoneware, glassware, decor and various mancave/sheshed items. We strive to fill our store with the best items in all genre. Each season we change everything up but every time you come in our shop you will find something new. Come see us soon!